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bridging connectivity gap

We serve as a vital link in bridging the connectivity gap within marginalized communities, including refugee camps. Through our We Are All Connected initiative, we provide ICT and digital skills training to young refugees and facilitate internet access in schools and public areas. 

Connectivity Statistics

We have connected 15 schools to the internet and installed 16 Wi-Fi hotspots. Additionally, we have trained 100 teachers and 500 disadvantaged youth and refugees in ICT and digital skills.

connecting the last mile

By extending internet connectivity to the last mile in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Refugee Settlement, we empower marginalized communities and create more job opportunities for young disadvantaged individuals. 

Our dedication to fostering a digitally inclusive environment ensures that everyone has access to the resources they need to thrive in the modern world.

Our 5 Year Plan

Over the next five years, our goal is to significantly impact the lives of 1600 participants through our ICT programs. Additionally, we aim to establish 30 public hub spots, provide internet connectivity to 30 public and private schools, and connect 180 households to the internet, thus expanding access to digital resources and opportunities for education and development within our community.

network setup
Participants in ICT
Public hub spots
Schools connected to internet
Households connected to the internet